Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Still Learning

Cooking is not my forte . I do not have any passion when it comes to cooking . But i love food *grins *

When i was much younger and even till now , my mum have always get me to the kitchen , simply to help her . Cutting the onions , chillies , ginger and etc . I did it but Blindly . Never once that i try to see and practise on my own . Never !
I stirred when she asked me to . I tasted when she wanted to know how salty or tasteless it is . That was it .

When i wanted to get married , she told Mr. that i do not know how to cook . So how to get married ?? Mum must have been thinking how are we going to survive when a wife doesnt know how to cook . They say that the husbands will prefer 'air tangan isteri' rather than having our meals outside . I just couldnt be bothered .
Recently when i tried my hands on making some kuehs , mum was literally shocked . Though there were some flaws , but hey , I've tried . Looking at the recipes ,doing it step by step .
Now staying at the in-laws place , I volunteered to help in the kitchen .And when they were not around , i got all the kitchen by myself ;) But didnt i told you before i have no passion in cooking ??

I took every opportunity to warm the kitchen up . Chicken , petai , asparagus , mee tai mak n etc . Those that the in-laws didnt eat . Some dishes were in my head and when its not , i rang up my mum or sis for guidance . Cos my mum's cooking is the best !!

I personally find that cooking is fun . Yeah now then i realise . Months before when i had the chance to cook in a week , i would only do it twice and mostly , we called for a pizza or even macdonalds . Simply because there was no passion and too lazy to be busy in the kitchen .
Surprisingly now, i found myself making some dishes everyday . Isnt that an improvement ??

Well , im still learning and hope to be better each day .
Should you have any recipes to share with me , give me a ring . You know where to find me , do you ?


  1. that was really a good step for u.. tapi i nak tanya u lepas u masak those thing u can eat it tak keke.. I takle seh if cook something for people hehe..

  2. hahahah.. ya mula mula , i scared to eat . now, each time i cook .. i will get Mr. to eat first . kalau dia kata ok , then i eat . tapi most of the time ok la ..hehehehe...

  3. oh ya , there was once i made nasi lemak . but the sambal was terrible and the rice is too lembik ..
    Mr. told me not to cook nasi lemak again !! that was the only bad /poor remark i got frm him .
    Now, i have improved . alhamdulillah .
    next time i cooked nasi lemak for you to try . heh.

  4. hehe.. what i mean is u ade ever rasa tak bila dah masak kan org u feel the full in ur stomach or tekak hehe..

    i tak tahu kenapa i have the feeling kesian kan i hehe.. i ever cook sambal goreng for badd 3 hari i tak makan i feel full seh like want to vomit.. tapi tgk dia org makan macam sedap gitu haiz..

  5. sampai macam gitu ke ?? so far , i tak la . cume mula mula dah masak ,takot nak makan cos tak tau sedap tak atau boleh telan ke tak . tunggu sampai dia dah makan, dia kate ok then i makan . hehe .


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