Saturday, August 28, 2010

the sistas affair

Unlike very much like the husband who got addicted to lucky draws and most of the time , won either the consolation prize or top three ( read : any form of lucky draw , not totos and 4ds ya ) , the wifey don't bother much . Perhaps she think that lady luck wasn't by her side .
However , she  loves very much to participate any form of competition that interest her but unfortunately , time doesn't permits most of the time . It was until , she lay her eyes on the recent update from sis Nazlin Hilal with regards to Doll Me Up 'Most Glam' Customer Makeup Competition . Why she decide to try her  luck this time ?

1) The closing date is 28th august 2010 , midnight which definitely a good dateline for her as prior to that , she have the whole day to submit my entry .

2) Madam is able to do this all at the comfort of her own home since theres no need for her to travel and be present at any place hence , saving the time and fares . How great ?

3) Her main ultimate motive to participate is not because she want to outwit the pretty , gorgeous ladies out there who also send their entries ( I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way ) BUT simply owning another collection of cosmetics especially from Doll Me Up , the brand that ladies have been talking nowadays !

Yeah since the prize will be an EXCLUSIVE COSMETICS HAMPER , who can't resist ?
So the wifey get her sister to join  as well and heres sneak preview of them .



Just simple colour that compliments her top . She knows her make-up she did for the sister isn't perfect as of a professional but what matters most is that , the young one likes it . The wifey loves it and  truly feel she looks so glam . Just like when one dolling up to attend a grammy award :) What do you think ? Does the lil sister deserves to get a vote from you ? Or what about the next person ......

Pretty ? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder , aye ?

They really need your votes if you seriously think , they deserve to win ! Dont forget to look out for the update from facebook by Doll Me Up to cast your votes :)
And to those who are keen , hurry and submit your entry now before midnight the 28th . Who knows you get to bring a hamper home .
Oh , madam absolutely love this piece of shayla from Izann Mutual Desire . Stunning isnt it ? Hope it does help to enhance the glam-ness of my beautiful wife ;)

We thanked each and everyone of you in advance and of course to the sister who offer her face for the wifey to worked on .
Thank you so much ;)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

iftar @ the Manhattans'

We were supposed to be breaking our fast at Western Chow ,Lorong Ah soo as featured in  Manja magazine some time back but ended up in The Manhattan Fish Market at Junction 8 . As usual , the Dory Fish and Chips is a must to order because of the big portion that is value for money ;)

We wanted to order Fried Country Mushroom on our previous trip to Manhattan but were kinda disappointed to know that the side order was out of stock . This time round , they fulfilled our desire to have them in our tum tum !
Yes its only seven pieces ,complete with the mayo to dipped into . *thinking of the sis home-made ones*

I wanted to have Mudpie , well which sweet tooth cant fall for it ? But the waitress suggest to go for this Chef Tiramisu . Something thats nice to have but aint too sweet . Truth be told , it was really yummy ! Complete with a chocolate wafer ;)

Talking about food is never enough especially during Ramadhan where theres so much of spread to buy over at the bazaar . However , it is still great to be iftar-ing with family at the comfort of our own home , avoiding the busy crowds everywhere even though when you only have one to two dishes to makan . I missed those days where Mum would be exchanging dishes with the neighbours . I missed granny's roti boyan , terribly !! Nobody can ever make roti boyan like her !! Really !

How's your iftar session lately ?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Review : V.SHINE

It has been a long time since I last had my facial and I long for it . My skin was way too bad as compare to when I was still working as a beauty adviser . Mainly because for 2 main reasons .

1) I was damn lazy to even exfoliate with a facial scrub at home . Therefore , the result was a dull-looking skin .

2) I had no time to even walked to the facial salon to had a proper treatment plus all the late night sleep and poor eating habits made my skin looked so fatigue .

Nevertheless I am blessed because despite all the bad conditions my skin looked , I am glad its free from volcano eruptions ( a nicer word for pimples ) ;) Too often , I envy beautiful ladies out there who have flawless skin *thinking of Fann Wongs whose skin like an egg* , who dont have to put on makeup to cover any flaws but yet still look good . How I wish !

A while ago , Mr came back home with a new product which made me went berserk . It was really new to me because I havent heard of it until it reached me . Let me introduce to you V.SHINE WHITENING MOISTURIZING REVITALIZING MASK . Just in time for me to do a little mini facial at my own comfort place , where else if not home ?

Pardon me for the bad lighting . Anyway , this amazing beauty product does wonder to our skin . One set contains 2 boxes , each with 8 mask inside . Total of 16 masks , WOW !! As on the box written , " The optimized vitamin C in AA2G will work more efficiently to the skin to achieve better LIGHTENING and PURIFYING effect and enhance skin elasticity and help to reduce skin blemishes .The super moisturizing factor pentavitin and hyaluronic acid can hydrate the skin on application and contribute to a whole-day moisturizing effect, which makes the skin feel always moisturized and show off its natural lustre."

We decided to try ourselves to see whether how true it was . And I got Mr to be my guinea pig first . As what I used to learn and practised , before applying or putting on any facial mask its best to exfoliate your skin to remove any dead skin cells first so that the penetration of the mask will be better ;)

Step 1 : Cleanse your face with your facial cleanser .

Step 2 : Use your facial scrub and exfoliate your dirty dead skin cells ..eeee..

If you may ask , what brand Im using , its La Prairie Foaming Cleanser and Dr Brandt microdermabrasion which I totally loved !

Step 3 : On a dry skin , apply the V SHINE MASK onto your face . But before that , I snapped a picture of him BEFORE the magic happens .

Honestly , I dont understand why the mask was divided into 2 pieces .One is for the upper part of your face and then you have to peel another one for the bottom part of your face . Unlike other facial mask that was designed as a whole , this one aint user-friendly .
Wait till 15 to 20 minutes and remove the mask . Some tips when wearing : you may want to refrigerate the mask first before wearing for that 'icy-icy' feeling or in warm water (no more than 70degrees, else the result will be that I have to meet you in the hospital . Lol !! ) to get a warm mask . As a start , we prefer to do at room temperature , straight from the packaging .
You may be going bonkers , having to wait for 15 minutes but I think its good that you take this time to rest your eyes or read a book while the ingredients do their work . You need a lil patience if you want to look good , ya .

So , the aftermath .

Voila ! We love it . The result : Brighter and we felt that our skin was full of moisture . A bit of tightness too as it enhace skin elasticity .
We would definitely do this 2x a week as part of our beauty regime . Say no more to fatigue looking skin . Should you want to know more about this amazing product , drop me an email at or for those who knew me , you can sms me too ;)
Beauty however , is from within ! Till the next entry ;))

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ready for the Eid ..

And we left with just three more weeks or so , in celebrating Hari Raya Puasa . Always looking forward for this public holiday because we get to wear nice clothes , visiting relatives and friends, eat kueh and lontong and most of all ,as a kid - collection (where the elders gave green packets) apart from seeking forgiveness to all .

So whats so special about this year Eid ?

Well , its my second year celebrating with the husband and unlike last year , I am working now. I get to celebrate it with my Ffg people too ! Except missing someone so dear to me ,which was my late pa . This year , we dont get to meet him but I hope to be able to visit his grave on the morning of Eid .
Every year , I would always wanted to celebrate moderately . One suit of baju kurung is enough for me as I can still wear the old ones and if the old heels are still doing good , I don't buy another . Let alone for bags . Funny how it seemed that I go ga-ga over handbags but not on this special occasion .

This year  surprisingly ,  I am so ready to go visiting . Why , you may ask ? Because for the first time , I got myself almost everything ready even before we started to fast . Yeah kiasu typical Singaporean . Yes , its me ! *jumping and raising hands*

1) Jalabieya - thanks to Mum . I especially loved this one to the max because its so va-va voom and designed by one of the famous designer in Singapore . :)
2) The Ezclusive Toga Maxi Dress from the pretty celebrity Nura J - who says we can only wear the traditional outfit for Eid ? I wanted to go simple but yet a little different .
3) Chiffon Jilbab - a very reasonable price which I got it from Shireen (fb) , who is a very understanding and nice lady . Didnt I tell you , I will shop from nice people ?
4) RH baju kurung - which was pass down from my aunty Aton to my mum  and now to me .
5) Two heels - Credit goes all the way to the dear husband for buying it for me . The other goes to Fyda Ibrahim (fb) for having an awesome collections to owned .
6) Simple Clutch - as most of my outfit are in the formed of dress , I only think its appropriate to carry clutch else it would have spoil the entire look by carrying a handbag over your shoulders .
7) Shawls - most of them are from Izann Mutual Desire . I cant get enough of them !!
8) Cosmetics - One will not be complete without having a powder on their face . I have them ,always ready each time ;)
9) Perfumes - My Chloe , Pure white linen are waiting for me to spritz on .
10 ) Accessories - Simple ring , thanks to Mum again for this .

I am just missing my contact lense in the list but definitely , would get a pair or two as it do wonders even when you have the lightest make up on your face . Trust me ! The camera will love you .

Just last weekend , there was a major disaster over at the granny's place .

     yes , its definitely more than just spring cleaning . its somehow like a mini renovaid to me , because ..

the old cabinets were removed and the new ones coming in soon . Throwing all the trash , that have been kept for ages made us go 'ah....chooo' for a couple of times . Special thanks to Uncle Anwar , Mr and the brother for their effort and not to forget the Mum and Bik Tus for making the dishes for our break-fast .

I know this Eid will be extra special because when I go to scoop my dishes at the grannys , I am seeing and touching the new kitchen .

To all Muslim fRiends and relatives , Ramadhan Mubarak to you and hope to meet on Eid soon .

Friday, August 13, 2010

Praise to God

Alhamdulillah , praise to God . To those who knew me , I am very sure that you know what was my occupation for the past one year . The normal reactions I received when my friends and relatives knew that I did nothing , except being a wife to the husband , were always in awe. Ironically when we had a job , we always not want to work . But when we were not working , we wanted to get ourselves a job . You may asked all the women out there , we are the same . Unless , you are a millionaire then its a different story . Well , I am moving towards that - my dream . Please don't laugh . heh .

I did not make any effort to find a job after Sisley until recently , when I started to get bored at home . I thought it was a great idea to get back on my feet , gain another experience , meet new people (colleagues , I mean ) , and have my own pocket money . This time , without having to spend with guilt ( im a spender so , i often get mr to buy me things which in the end made him mad ) . I am fated to be always recommended by my good friends when it comes to finding job . From Guardian Pharmacy , I was recommended by Aishah which I get to know Hana . And through Hana , I was offered a job at Leonard Drake Skin Care and Health Spa . The ex-trainer of Leonard Drake then recommended me to Yves Saint Laurent as a makeup artist but I didnt sustain for too long . Until Belinda ,who was a great friend that I knew during my days with YSL , recommended me to Sisley . Don't you think its like a circle of chain ? Needless to say , I am blessed . I thanked God for the path that he have made for me and I wished to thank to all those people above who have made a big difference in my life . Without you people , I think I will be jobless . Really !

I managed to send out a few resumes ,hoping that I could be able to be part of their family but luck wasn't on my side . Guess what ? Yes , you are right !! Another friend got me a job. Ida(my ex-colleague in Guardian , yes we still kept in touch !) and me had a good chat , when she suddenly wanted me to try the same company that she worked for six solid years . Without further a-do , I called and looked for the Hr Manager . I was accepted immediately after my interview . Alhamdulillah . Only God knew how I felt . It was the first day of Ramadhan . Berkat bulan mulia . Thank you so much to a great friend , Ida . Semuga Allah swt melimpahkan rezeki yang berlipat ganda kepada semua yang telah membantuku . Amin .

 I am very much excited and look forward to a new chapter in my life , on Monday . To learn and adapt , is another thing . Most importantly , I am no longer a homemaker but a Nutritionist Adviser by profession . Thank you so much to everyone ! My prayers have been aswered , alhamdulillah .

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Review - Hijri Chocs

Whats a must each time , Ramadhan comes ?

In my family , a box of dates is a must . It doesnt matter what type of dates but , it has to be on the dining table when we break our fast when the sun sets in . And when most of us ate one or two before having a drink or get our hands on the main dish for the day , I ate it on my last meal . I know it sounds funny to you but thats how I practised it ever since dates were introduced to me .

A few years back , Mum was trying to be creative when she actually made jemput-jemput kurma or they called it Date Fritters . It was really yummy especially when its warm and hot . So each time when I saw theres so many dates bought and brought ( some mosque do giveaways too during the month of Ramadhan )by my family , the thought of making Date Fritters always came to mind . Well , theres so many ways to do with that sweet dates . Apparently , Sutra magazine featured a recipe that involves dates too . Go and check it out !

Hijri Chocs have always been in my facebook friends list but never once did I take a look at their profile until when Diah Mastura told me personally how nice were their chocolates when I met her in person the other day . So when Hijri had an advertorial in Diah's blog ( a great avenue to expand your business) , I was moved by how Hijri made the chocolates . The pralines made me go Wow ! and I got crazy over the lollichocs . I know I am being chiidish here but there's a little kid in each of us , mah ..
To support our local business entrepreneur , I got myself Dipped Dates just to coincide with the fasting month . *yayness*

 I loved the way the dates were beautifully wrapped and how it was packed with  a simple box that was easy to carry around . How it looked inside , was this ;-
I tasted every single bit of the everything . From the chocolate, the date , the peanut . Because of the nice wrapping , I got to bring it on the go . Just in case I wasn't on time to break my fast , I can always put one to two of these dipped dates in my bag . How convenient ! And you won't know that I am actually eating dates . haha . 
I just cant resist to order the pralines. Soon soon but not now as I am squeezing my tum tum for the Eid . 
To know more about Hijri Chocs , I 'd suggest if you can take a peep  here .
Let's support the local . Not just the local artiste but the entrepreneurs !!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

National day , it was .

Initially it was supposed to be celebrating my only brother's birthday on National Day as he was born 2 days after the Singapore's Independence Day . I just thought it would be good to have a little halal sushi (birthday boy's fave ) dinner . Mum objected the idea for fear that there will be so much crowd everywhere since most Singaporeans were celebrating almost every entire place in Singapore. Ya that's Singaporean , can't really blame us because Singapore as what I known , was only 647 km2 . Yes a tiny dot as seen in the map . Therefore , we postponed to another day .

My family never had such celebration , really . I don't think I had one birthday party organised by my loved one until recently . What made me decide to have dinner this time round was because the birthday boy literally confessed on his facebook . Well , I shouldnt be self-centered hence the idea .

It was impromptu . I just wanted to jalan-jalan without spending so much . Text my dear sis who was staying just ten minutes drive from where I stay , to have lunch together . So we head to Arab Street , to fill our tummy with Hajah Maimunah's dishes but were pretty disappointed as it was close . Since there were a few cafes there , we thought we should just stick to Kampong Glam Cafe . It was as sedap as Maimunahs' .

Afterwhich we had absolute no plans of where to go next . Singapore is really boring , oooops ! So this place caught our eyes . Very much like kampong and went to visit rightafter.

ok now , presenting the Director and his madam . macam paham !!
hahahaha... Interesting place , right ? Well , we were actually at ....
Lerr ! Must be that's what you are saying ? macam tak tau pulak . We were glad that admission was free on public holiday , just like the Istana . Else it would have been ..
As the day was still early for us , we then head down to Geylang Serai . Where else , since Ramadhan is only 2 days away .
Lights were up and Geylang Serai didnt change much as last year .
And after so much fun , I managed to get myself something back home . Totally couldn't resist the temptation since its only 2 for S$15 ( ramadhan sale )
oh , and not forgetting the irresistable offer that First Lady had to give , 2 for $5.90 . Thus , I grab four pieces of shawls . The one in blue polka dot was my first love when I saw it at Bussorah Street . The friendly lady serves us well so I thought I should get something from her shop . Since its only $15. How nice am I . heh .
So yeah , that was my way of celebrating  45 th National Day this 2010 . Hope Singapore will have many more theme park , just like Diah Mastura wished , in years to come so that we Singaporean can have many great choices to go to . Again , Happy Birthday Singapore !! I am proud to be one ! 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

tress have chopped !

Like finally , after many many numbers of months . Why do I decide to head to the salon now ? Because its long and it got way too crumpled . Tangled to the extreme that I just felt like cutting that few strands off . You know , when one strand got tangled with another strand and another strand and it became like one big chunk ? I tell you , my hair is worst than that of a doll . I guess its partly my fault too , because after every shower , I don't practise combing my hair . I just let it be till its dry and i bun it up when its dry enough . Simple or should I say lazy ? haha..
All along I have never had long hair because I simply don't like and I don't think my face structure suits long hair . Ever since I got kicked out of my job ( read : being employee is never never safe ! ), I save all my penny not to visit the stylist for as you know, I am a hijab wearer . Which means whether I cut off or not , it doesnt matter much . It was until yesterday that I decide that I should join forces with Mr. to have a haircut . When I met Nesley ( i didnt know he was a salon manager until his card was given to me ) , as usual he asked what can he do for my hair . While he take a looked and touching my tress , he was shocked . He was wondering why was my hair in an absurd mess ! Well , isnt that the reason why I go to him ? To get my hair properly done and never tangled again ! Overall result , was a mere satisfaction . I actually expected more from him as he was from a high post and highly recommended by my ex colleague . Nah .. at least we have experienced it .

I just realise that it was a red and black affair for me .

oh ya , the funny thing was this . My appointment with Nesley was at 1730 pm and the minute I put my buttocks down to sit , Nesley asked me whether I could come back in an hours time . Me , being a nice customer , thought that it was alright as my hungry tummy already called for a dinner . So we head down to a Thai restaurant .

Among the three of our dishes that we ordered , we just love this one . Claypot chicken with thai sauce . Power !! Mr.was scooping the dry gravy until it was dry up . lol !

this one was green curry . pon sedaap , the gravy was thick and it was filled with generous chicken ( another chicken in the list ) . 
Nowadays Mr kept ordering longan drink ;) at least he chose one , a healthier drink over  quite number of dishes   . And when placing an order, he got mixed up with lychee and longan . tsk tsk ...

So here's the  aftermath . He don't really like it because it goes far too left . I mean the way the leading stylist ( by post ) styled his hair . Well , thats the first and the last .

Now , I am wondering when should I go for my treatment ( from package that already signed up for )which was left untouched by Anthony Hair Boutique . I must rang them up for an appointment before my sexy hair got tangled again ;)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

LOves ANd PretTy MuCH hate

Since my blog read '' To know me is to love me '' , i guess its only appropriate if i can share with you more about me so as to serve the purpose of the overhead sentence . Therefore , i decide to share with you what i love , what i like and what i hate . So , here it goes ...

things that i love and like much :-

i now think that i am really a girly lady because

1) i love cosmetics from low-end to the high end ones , as long as it does wonder to the face , i love it . so this means to say , i love to make-up . yes , thats my all-time hobby ;) apparently there's three full bags of cosmetics ,which i think its time for me to do a check on them and discard or donate it to my sister . She of course , always have the priviledge ;)

2) i love to shop for heels . reason being , i am only 1.57m tall and plum haha so at least wearing heels make me tall and therefore slimmer . and when i walked , i walked with confidence . but the thing about me is , i always have blisters you see . especially when putting my feet on the new shoes . lucky for me , mr husband always standby plasters in his wallet ! oh ya , since its heels ..i always ensure that its really comfy for me to walk because i walk a lot with heels . of course on occasion where the jalan-jalan is on the beach or trekking , i wont be on heels la ...thats unreasonable right ? oh i am a size 8 . used to be 7 though but its more comfortable with an 8 . or even 9 , worst . depends on the cutting actually because i have a broad feet .

3) i love long maxi dresses because since i am a hijab wearer , i am at my utmost convenient when i wore dress . i just love the flow of maxi dress . and oh , my current obsession is jumper for now !! though theres a bit of hassle when i want to pee but i feel that its kinda cool . just because i wanna look cantik , i have to pay for the price .. ;) there was once when i actually took off about 5 minutes just to pee ..aiyoyo ..

4) i have this soft spot for shopping online especially when eyeing for shawls and shaylas . my all time favourite , as you know in my previous entry was Izann Mutual Desire and the not-to-miss underscarves from I-style . heh .

5) i love the camera but i wasn't sure if the camera loves me . lol . loves photography . i believe pictures will always bring back memories of the past .

6) i just cant go out without spraying perfume . it doesnt complete me . i have a few on hand now but my all time favourite are Chanel Mademoisselle , Chloe , Burberrys and Juicy Couture and oh , Stella Mcartney . perfumes and scents are really individual .

7) i have a sweet tooth . just couldnt resist ice-cream  and chocolates and oh , durians ! anything sweet , that is . from those uncles along the roadside selling $1 to Ben and Jerry to even Baskin Robbins whenever i go Malaysia .

8) whenever there's the new edition of Chic , Sutra , Manja , Simply Her magazine , i will buy . me and mum are an avid reader of those . and when we get to pop over to Johor , we would definitely grab Nona , InTrend , Jelita , Glam and occasionally Impiana or Saji . From those , we were inspired by whats the latest trend be it from fashion to home decor .

9) i love to see beautiful ladies . from top to the bottom . just envy them . so ladies , if you happen to see me out there looking at you from top to bottom , you should be flattered . dont get me wrong , im not a lesbian ok . i love my handsome husband ! and im not one who want to carik pasal by staring at you gorgeous ladies , i just love to see beautiful creation by god .

10) now im pondering what else ?? hmmm ...

ok since i couldnt think of anymore that i love , i share with you what i dont personally like .

1) i dont favor vegetables . if can , i try not to eat . haha childish me !

2) will try many means of not pee-ing in the public toilet whenever possible , unless i have no choice . i just couldnt bring myself to go each time i see the bowl so eeeuuuw..... n even more ridiculous when you have to pay 20cents for entry but end up puking because of the "cleanliness " . terrible !!

3) bad service . i think most of us wont go to a shop or boutique when the service is really bad huh ? yes i for one , will never step in . no matter how delicious your food is , how gorgeous your apparels is but if i cant stand the service that the staff rendered , its a no-no for me . and yes, im very particular in service . i think we should always serve our customers the best even if they never buy . not just because i used to be in service line , i am ya-ya here but its just the fact that everyone loves to be treated nicely ,aye ?

4) when taking trains especially , it really annoys me ! pushing pushing as though its going to be the last train of the day . this is so the typical singaporeans acting ! haaaiyoh !

ok thats about for now , will update this entry should i remember what other issues that i dont like . no offence people , this is me . this is Rosniyati .

Friday, August 6, 2010

segala yang hidup , akan mati jua ..

today , someone's life was taken away . my condolences to Hanis and family . May she rest in peace dan ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman . Ameen .
it was just weeks ago that we visited her nenek who was very ill . today at 0730 am , Hanis text me the bad news . those who live , will die . Ajal maut ditangan Tuhan .

Thursday, August 5, 2010

scouting , surveying , searching ..

for .. Bridal services!! someone's getting married la .. who , who ? its my dear Hanis whose tying the knot soon to the handsome Hafizh . i tell you , they are so compatible macam pinang dibelah dua . Not that i'm singing praises , just because she's my best friend but seriously they are ! We called them Double H ,  (not Triple H the wrestler ) because it's so obvious that their names come from the alphabet H . So lame , i know ok ;) they were lovebirds for more than 5 years and very much in love till now . Both also stayed the same estate ,coincidently too . Yes Sudin and Zaiton pukul botol !

As you can see from my previous entry , they just got engaged early this year and soon be a bride and groom insya allah by next year . i am so excited and too happy for them that i would tail behind to accompany them scouting for bridal services . didnt i told you before that i wish to be a bride again and i just love planning a wedding ! dont hesitate to call me if you need my services at a minimal fee ;) ( nola im kidding , but should you seriously want to , why not ? i would be more than happy to assist you ! )

ok so last week , we went to visit a few bridals which were
1) Sultanah Bridal
2) Zul Radi Bridal
3) Sanggul Bridal Atelier
4) Anggun Andaman
5) Chinta Weddings

And as you know , each one of us have a different taste , different views . So were we . But luckily for us , we both had the same taste ;) so no debate , quarrelling whatsoever you name it . Not just about bridals , we had the same taste for almost everything . From food to apparels to shoes to even make up . I think that was the reason we were real best friend . Each time we went out of the bridal boutique , we summarise what we both think of their gowns , makeup and services . Yes , we were particular in customer service . There's no point engaging a mak andam whose makeup was super cantik , wearing gorgeous gowns but sucks big time . It just ruin your day , you know !
Every bridal have their own uniqueness but by far , the bride-to-be was only convinced by Chinta weddings for their andaman n bajus . And we love Anggun Andaman's service by kak Nura who attended to us , despite her being busy at her desk as we both came without making appointment . Ooops !
Kak Nura was very warmth , super friendly and frank with us . She was a great listener because although both the bride-to-be and the bride-already  (ehem ehem)was damn fussy , she totally understands our needs . Kudos to Anggun Andaman for having a great wedding planner like Kak Nura ! We were wowed by their decorations . Personally i loved the grand royal theme so much . To know how it might have looked like , why don't you go to their website  here ! Hanis and family had food tasting by Anggun's catering and were satisfied by what they serve . So , i supposed she's engaging them to be her wedding planner . Totally support her of choosing Anggun !

It was only a while ago that I just accompanied her  to meet Kak Lynn Siregar , owner of Weddingku Gallery , the very same person that turned me into a gorgeous one during my makeover last year . Both Hanis and me were mesmerise by her andaman and baju . Confirm plus chop , she's taking Kak Lynn service until to the extend that she changed her wedding date just to get Kak Lynn to doll her up ! Madness !!! And i couldn't agree more . KaK Lynn managed to convince us with her portfolio and her sincerity captured our heart . I am now glad that Hanis was super happy to get what she wanted all along ;) The right makeup , bajus and attractive package ;))

Next was our turn to meet up with Zack , the deejay that was recommended by my celebrity uncle Hamzah Adon . Too bad , Uncle Hamzah was not given 10% for every recommendation he gave . heh . Zack gave us an idea of what will be going to happen on the actual day itself . Not 100% because there will be surprises , we love surprises !! We were happy with Zack friendly service . Why are we so particular even to Deejay services because we just don't like the idea of engaging a deejay where he'll just be standing behind the set and playing songs and talked over the microphone . Hello !! I can also do that , you know ? So what we totally love uncle Hamzah deejay service was that he was funny ! obviously he is and was because he's a comedian . Funny wasn't enough being a deejay , it was his interaction with the guests that what we loved ! He mingled around , also looking for guests who would want to gave their little wishes to the bride and groom . How great ! Such a pity that he wont be able to commit to Hanis's wedding date as prior to that , there were other pengantins who took his service . But uncle Hamzah saved us by introducing Zack whose service were just as good as his . How do I know ? Trust . I trusted my dear uncle . Period.

Enough about bridals for now . I just couldnt wait to look forward next year .
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