Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ready for the Eid ..

And we left with just three more weeks or so , in celebrating Hari Raya Puasa . Always looking forward for this public holiday because we get to wear nice clothes , visiting relatives and friends, eat kueh and lontong and most of all ,as a kid - collection (where the elders gave green packets) apart from seeking forgiveness to all .

So whats so special about this year Eid ?

Well , its my second year celebrating with the husband and unlike last year , I am working now. I get to celebrate it with my Ffg people too ! Except missing someone so dear to me ,which was my late pa . This year , we dont get to meet him but I hope to be able to visit his grave on the morning of Eid .
Every year , I would always wanted to celebrate moderately . One suit of baju kurung is enough for me as I can still wear the old ones and if the old heels are still doing good , I don't buy another . Let alone for bags . Funny how it seemed that I go ga-ga over handbags but not on this special occasion .

This year  surprisingly ,  I am so ready to go visiting . Why , you may ask ? Because for the first time , I got myself almost everything ready even before we started to fast . Yeah kiasu typical Singaporean . Yes , its me ! *jumping and raising hands*

1) Jalabieya - thanks to Mum . I especially loved this one to the max because its so va-va voom and designed by one of the famous designer in Singapore . :)
2) The Ezclusive Toga Maxi Dress from the pretty celebrity Nura J - who says we can only wear the traditional outfit for Eid ? I wanted to go simple but yet a little different .
3) Chiffon Jilbab - a very reasonable price which I got it from Shireen (fb) , who is a very understanding and nice lady . Didnt I tell you , I will shop from nice people ?
4) RH baju kurung - which was pass down from my aunty Aton to my mum  and now to me .
5) Two heels - Credit goes all the way to the dear husband for buying it for me . The other goes to Fyda Ibrahim (fb) for having an awesome collections to owned .
6) Simple Clutch - as most of my outfit are in the formed of dress , I only think its appropriate to carry clutch else it would have spoil the entire look by carrying a handbag over your shoulders .
7) Shawls - most of them are from Izann Mutual Desire . I cant get enough of them !!
8) Cosmetics - One will not be complete without having a powder on their face . I have them ,always ready each time ;)
9) Perfumes - My Chloe , Pure white linen are waiting for me to spritz on .
10 ) Accessories - Simple ring , thanks to Mum again for this .

I am just missing my contact lense in the list but definitely , would get a pair or two as it do wonders even when you have the lightest make up on your face . Trust me ! The camera will love you .

Just last weekend , there was a major disaster over at the granny's place .

     yes , its definitely more than just spring cleaning . its somehow like a mini renovaid to me , because ..

the old cabinets were removed and the new ones coming in soon . Throwing all the trash , that have been kept for ages made us go 'ah....chooo' for a couple of times . Special thanks to Uncle Anwar , Mr and the brother for their effort and not to forget the Mum and Bik Tus for making the dishes for our break-fast .

I know this Eid will be extra special because when I go to scoop my dishes at the grannys , I am seeing and touching the new kitchen .

To all Muslim fRiends and relatives , Ramadhan Mubarak to you and hope to meet on Eid soon .

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